Tuesday 18 February 2014

Arts Challenge Review

Having completed my Arts Challenge, I am going to complete a short review in order to establish what went well, what didn't go so well and what I would do differently if I were to complete the challenge again. 

Were you able to meet your Arts Challenge? 
Yes, I managed to complete my challenge and created two short films with the same storyline but in different genres, Horror and Romance, manipulating my footage using a variety of different techniques, after conducting research into the conventions of genre. I used shot choice, colour, sound effects, music and other editing techniques in order to change the genre. I was able to complete my challenge in a short amount of time with my own equipment, using a friend to act, and therefore with no expenditure as I had planned.

Did you change your action plan in any way? 
I made a few slight changes to my plan, for example I changed the story from simply reading a letter to include more of a build up, giving me more time to experiment with shots and editing. In my Action Plan my story idea was 'a woman/man walks into a room, sees a letter and reads it'  whereas in my final film the story line changed to: 'a girl is sat reading a book, a letter is posted through the door and she reads it'. I was also unable to keep both films to the same length, as I had more shots for the Horror. Although I had hoped to keep both under 1 minute in length, my Romance ended up being 0:59 whereas my Horror was 1:11. However, this was because I found that there were more shots I could include for the Horror, and this didn't end up being a problem at all. Another change I made to my action plan was that I ended up spending different amounts of time on each area than I had planned - it only took me around 2 hours to film, but I ended up spending more time editing, as I had not thought about the time it would take me to find music and sound effects.

What went well? What didn't go well?
I am overall very pleased with the outcome of my Arts Challenge, and believe that the final films show that I have understood the concepts of the different genres. Although they are quite clichéd and over-stylised, this hopefully makes the genres quite obvious which is what I was aiming for. I was happy with how quickly I was able to film the footage, although I found that there were a lot more specific shot types that I could use for the Horror genre (such as dutch tilt, hand held, point of view) whereas it was difficult to do this for the Romance, so I think this may have looked a bit dull with only wides, mediums and close ups. I was also really pleased with my use of sound effects in the Horror, which I had little experience with, and I worked on layering a lot of different sounds on top of each other in order to create a dramatic effect and increase the tension, which I think worked well. 

What have you learnt from your Arts Challenge?
I have learnt a lot about the concept of genre and about how different genres are created using a variety of techniques. I believe that I learnt a lot more through creating my own short films than if I had simply done research. I also improved my organisation by working to a plan, creating storyboards/shot lists and sticking to a time scale. I am now more confident in my editing skills, using colour, music and sound effects.

What would you do differently?
If I was to complete this Arts Challenge again, I would choose another genre other than Romance to experiment with, such as a Thriller or Action, where I could use more specific shot types and editing techniques. I would also create more detailed plans for both short films, as I drew a storyboard for the Horror and a vague shot list, but mainly improvised during the filming. I would also like to invest in a different editing software (such as Final Cut Pro) as mine is very basic and limited, and possibly improve my use of lighting as I believe that there was some inconsistency in lighting and colour between my shots. 

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