Friday 15 November 2013

Unit 1, Part B: Arts Challenge Action Plan

My Action Plan
After researching the conventions of both Horror and Romance, I will use my knowledge of genre structure to shoot the same story in two different ways to produce two different films. My experience in editing will help me manipulate the footage to achieve the desired effect. The films will be kept very short, under one minute in length. I will use shot choice, colour, editing and music in order to change the genre. As a control method, the actor will not be told anything about genre and be asked to give just one performance. I will write a basic script and create a storyboard in order to visualise my shots. My story will be based around the following very simply concept:

 A woman/man walks into a room, sees a letter and reads it. 

I will need to spend time completing research into different genres, planning each short film, shooting the films, and editing them. I am hoping to spend about 2 hours on research into conventions of different genres, 1 hour experimenting with my editing software, 2 hours creating a short script and storyboard, 4 hours shooting the footage for the films, and a further 4 hours editing.  

The resources I will need in order to complete my Arts Challenge are:
  • A camera 
  • A tripod
  • A computer
  • Editing software
  • Actors
  • Locations
  • Props

I will be able to complete my Arts Challenge with minimum expenditure, as I will use my Canon 600D camera in order to shoot the films, my own tripod, and my computer with iMovie software for editing. My film idea only includes one character, and I will use one of my friends to act. I will use as few props as possible in order to keep the films simplistic and to save money.

Recording My Progress
In order to record my progress as I complete my Arts Challenge, I am going to regularly update my blog as I go along, documenting any work I do towards my films, including research into different genres. I will also take photographs and keep all of my planning, including storyboards and shot lists. This means that I will be able to keep track of how my challenge is going, stay on schedule, and solve any problems throughout the process.

To gather feedback about my challenge, I am going to show my films to an audience of family members and friends, and hold a short discussion in order to gauge how successfully I completed my project, and whether or not I achieved my challenge. To do this, I could ask my audience to guess the genres of my different films, to establish whether I have understood the concepts of the different genres and used them effectively in my films.

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